is the Earth?
is our home planet. Scientists believe Earth and its moon formed around the
same time as the rest of the solar system. They think that was about 4.5
billion years ago. Earth is the fifth-largest planet in the solar system. Its
diameter is about 8,000 miles. And Earth is the third-closest planet to the
sun. Its average distance from the sun is about 93 million miles. Only Mercury
and Venus are closer. Earth is the only planet known to have large amounts of
liquid water. Liquid water is essential for life. Earth is the only planet
where life is known to exist.
Origin of the Universe:Big Bang Theory
• Evidence:

(This was discovered in 1929 by Edwin P. Hubble.)
– observed temperature of
the universe today (background microwave radiation) 3 degrees above absolute
– present abundances of
hydrogen and helium
interpretation: the universe is expanding; everything began together at a point, and a big explosion occurred, causing things to move apart rapidly
interpretation: the universe is expanding; everything began together at a point, and a big explosion occurred, causing things to move apart rapidly
• How old is the Universe?
– Calculations of the age of
the universe depend on the calculation of the Hubble Constant, a number which
refers to the rate of expansion of the universe.
– Controversy arose in Fall
Age of the universe has been calculated to be about 10-15 billion years; calculations show that the age must be less than 20 billion years.
BUT 1994 data from Hubble Space Telescope was interpreted to indicate a high rate of expansion, resulting in an age of only about 8 billion years.
This stirred up a lot of excitement in Astronomy. For details, see the March 6, 1995 issue of TIME Magazine, p. 76-84.
Age of the universe has been calculated to be about 10-15 billion years; calculations show that the age must be less than 20 billion years.
BUT 1994 data from Hubble Space Telescope was interpreted to indicate a high rate of expansion, resulting in an age of only about 8 billion years.
This stirred up a lot of excitement in Astronomy. For details, see the March 6, 1995 issue of TIME Magazine, p. 76-84.
• Update: April 7, 1997,
front page, New York Times. National Academy of Sciences held a colloquium on
the age of the universe in March 1997. Many cosmologists now think that the age
of the universe is likely to be between 12 and 14 billion years. Later
observations from the Hubble Space Telescope observations of Cephids (pulsating
stars) have given somewhat lower expansion rates. Lower expansion rates have
been suggested by other recent studies as well. This seems to mean that the age
of the universe is most likely 15-20 billion years.
• Origin of the Solar System
• Planets begin
• Our Solar System
• The planets
• Terrestrial Planets (Inner planets,
small, dense, and rocky. No rings. Few or no moons.)
• Mercury
• Venus
• Earth
• Mars
• Asteroid belt lies mainly between
orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
• Jovian Planets (Outer planets,
large, low density, and gaseous(H, He, CH4). All have rings. All have many
• Jupiter - largest planet
• Saturn
• Uranus
• Neptune
• Other planet that does not
fit into the two previous categories: Pluto (the outermost planet - small, icy,
low density. one moon)
of the Solar System
The Milky Way and our solar system are thought to have
originated instantaneously in what’s called the Big Bang. The Universe and all
matter as we know is originated from conversion of energy to mass during the
tremendous explosion called the "Big Bang."
Formation of the Solar System – Solar Nebula
1) 10-20 billion years after Big Bang
2) Very cold clouds of H, He, and some heavier
3) Wave of gravity (nearby exploding star?) set cloud
in motion
4) Cloud began to rotate and contract / condense
5) Rotating cloud assumed disk-like form
6) Contraction / condensation continued due to gravity
- generated tremendous heat
7) Eventually, heat and pressure were high enough to
produce nuclear fusion in proto-sun.
8) Planetesimals (early form of planets) formed from
rotating disk of matter around proto-sun.
Dimensions of the Earth
Major Spheres of the Earth
• Atmosphere
• Hydrosphere
• Lithosphere
• Biosphere
How do we know what the Earth's Interior is like?
• Drilling
– Wells drilled into Earth
are mostly in the upper 7 km of the crust
– Deepest well = Soviet
(Russian) well in northern Kola Peninsula 4 year effort to drill a 12 km
(12,000 m) hole, starting in 1970.
– Deepest U.S. well was a
gas well drilled in Oklahoma. Drilling starting in 1974 and stopped at 31,441
ft (9,583 m or 9.58 km) when it struck molten sulfur.
– Germans drilled 3.5 km
pilot hole and found bottom temperature was 118 º C (instead of the expected 80
º C)
• Volcanic activity
– Materials are brought up
from below. Xenoliths = foreign rock (pieces of the mantle in lava); example:
coarse-grained olivine (peridotite) xenoliths in basaltic lava. Only useful to
depth of about 200 km
• High pressure laboratory
• Samples of the solar
system (meteorites)
• Study of seismic waves
generated by earthquakes and nuclear explosions
the Earth's Interior with Seismic Waves
• P and S wave travel times
depend on properties of rock materials that they pass through. Search for
differences in travel times which will correspond to differences in rock
• Major layers of the Earth
were detected before 1950.
Fine details were delineated in 1960's during nuclear testing.
Fine details were delineated in 1960's during nuclear testing.
• Wave velocity depends on density and elasticity of
• Seismic waves travel
faster in denser rock.
• Speed of seismic waves
increases with depth (pressure and density increase downward).
the Earth's Interior with Seismic Waves
Probing the Interior
of early Earth
• Crustal differentiation
– Gravity causes heavier
elements to sink toward center (Fe, Ni core)
– Lighter elements
"float" upward (Si, O, Al, K, Na, Ca, etc.)
• Evidence: Earth is
differentiated or layered; highest density in center, lower densities
progressively outward
• Crust - rocky outer layer,
brittle (5-40 km)
– Differentiation of crust
• Continental - thick (30-40 km),
granitic (sialic)
• Oceanic - thin (approx. 5
km), basaltic (mafic)
• Lithosphere (crust and uppermost
mantle, 0-100 km deep), cool, rigid, brittle
• Asthenosphere (upper mantle,
100-700 km deep), hot, weak, solid that flows
• Mantle - solid rocky layer,
dense, high pressure, flows
• Outer Core - molten Fe-rich
• Inner Core - solid Fe, Ni
of the Earth
that build the Earth
Elements of the Crust
• Continents 40% (avg. elevation 840
m above SL; 2750 ft)
• Ocean basins 60% (avg. depth 3800 m;
12,500 ft)
(Elevations are largely a reflection of their densities - granite vs. basalt)
(Elevations are largely a reflection of their densities - granite vs. basalt)
• Most prominent features of
continents are linear mountain belts
– Circum-Pacific Belt
– Alpine-Himalaya Belt
• Highest point on Earth?
– Mt. Everest (Himalayas)
8848 m or 29,028 ft
• Most prominent features of
oceans are ocean ridge systems. Continuous belt 65,000 km or 40,000
• Lowest point on Earth?
– Mariana Trench -11,033 m
or -36,198 ft
Floor Features
• Contain abyssal plains,
deep sea trenches, mid-oceanic ridges and seamounts
Cover about 30% of Earth's surface
• Abyssal Plain
Flat, deep ocean floor.
Depth may be 2 - 3 miles or more
Thick accumulations of sediment bury topography of oceanic crust
Flat, deep ocean floor.
Depth may be 2 - 3 miles or more
Thick accumulations of sediment bury topography of oceanic crust
• Deep Sea Trenches
The deepest part of the oceans
May exceed 10,000 m deep (30,000 feet, or nearly 5 miles)
Deepest is Mariana trench in Pacific Ocean (more than 11,000 m or 33,000 ft)
Occur at subduction zones where oceanic crust is forced downward into the mantle
Associated with earthquakes (Benioff Zones) and volcanoes
The deepest part of the oceans
May exceed 10,000 m deep (30,000 feet, or nearly 5 miles)
Deepest is Mariana trench in Pacific Ocean (more than 11,000 m or 33,000 ft)
Occur at subduction zones where oceanic crust is forced downward into the mantle
Associated with earthquakes (Benioff Zones) and volcanoes
• Mid Oceanic Ridges
• The global mid-ocean ridge
system is the largest single volcanic feature on the Earth, encircling it like
the seams of a baseball. Here the Earth’s crust is spreading, creating new
ocean floor and literally renewing the surface of our planet. Older crust is
recycled back into the mantle elsewhere on the globe, typically where plates
collide. The mid-ocean ridge consists of thousands of individual volcanoes or
volcanic ridge segments which periodically erupt.
• Seamounts
Undersea volcanic peaks which formed along mid-ocean ridges or over hot spots
May be eroded flat on top and called guyots
Subsidence occurs after volcanic activity ceases; crust moves away from ridge or off hot spot.
May be ringed by coral reefs called atolls (circular reef surrounding lagoon over now-submerged volcanic peak)
Undersea volcanic peaks which formed along mid-ocean ridges or over hot spots
May be eroded flat on top and called guyots
Subsidence occurs after volcanic activity ceases; crust moves away from ridge or off hot spot.
May be ringed by coral reefs called atolls (circular reef surrounding lagoon over now-submerged volcanic peak)
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